Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/605

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 56l three miles of the city of Batavia, and take it in a very gallant manner. September 16. — The French governor-general Janssens, having retreated to the eastern part of Java with the remnant of his force, fights a petty action with the British force at the village of Se- rondol, within seven miles of Samarang, and is de- feated. September 18. — The French governor-general enters into a capitulation with the British authori- ties for the surrender of Java, and the other Dutch possessions. The ex-sultan of Java resumes the government, and puts his first minister, and the father of that officer, to death, for opposing his wishes. The authority of the Dutch in Celebes is trans- ferred to the British, in conformity to the capitu- lation entered into between the French governor- general and the British authorities. C. 1812. J. 1739. H. 1225. May 17. — The British authorities in Java send an expedition against the sultan of Palembang, so- vereign of the island of Banca, and dethrone him, raising in his room his brother, in consideration of which, the latter cedes to them the islands of Banca and Billiton. June 20. — The British march a force against the sultan of Java, and, declaring war against him, storm his fortified palace with less than a thousand « VOL. II* N n