ARTICLES OF EXPORTATION. 499 duction of 50 per cent, in the price of salt raised the annual average consumption of each individual from 14* lbs. to 18 lbs. The reduction in price, calculated in the foregoing statement, is 90 per cent., and it will be a moderate rate of increase if we calculate that this decrease of cost will raise the con- sumption to the average of 20 lbs. for each indivi- dual, instead 14? lbs. The whole internal con- sumption will then be near 900,000 cwt. or 45,000 tons. If we take the exports at only one-half this amount, or 450,000 cwt., then the whole production of the rent of the salt lands, at y^ Spanish dollars per cent., as already estimated, will be 162,000 Spa- nish dollars, a revenue which would be collected at little or no expence. The gross amount of the re- venue derived from salt under the Dutch was only 127,292 Spanish dollars, and under the British ad- ministration, including every charge of management, salaries, construction of warehouses, &c. only 1 62,(346 Spanish dollars. The great importance which na- turally belongs, in a practical view, to subjects of this nature, involving the happiness and comfort of a numerous people, will be an apology for the apparent prolixness with which I have treated this and similar questions. * • For many of the particulars contained in this chapter I acknowledge myself iiidtbtud to tiie valuable comraunici^r tions of my friend, Mr George Lurpent of London.