Then said the King, Stand up and be not afraid, but look well about you, peradventure you may find the fellow in this company.
Whereupon the cobler arose and looked wishfully upon the King and the rest of his nobles, but it was to little or no purpose; for though he saw something in the King's face which he thought he had seen before, yet he could not imagine him to be Harry Tudor whose shoe-heel he had mended, and who had been so merry with him at the inn, and at his own cellar.
He therefore told the King he had not expected to find Harry Tudor among such fine folks as he was there, but the person he looked for was a plain, merry, honest, and true-hearted fellow. Adding withal, that hę was sure that did Harry Tudor but know that he was come to court, he would make him very welcome; for, says the cobler, when we parted, he