the training which led to his final choice of a business career, as a real estate and insurance man. At the present time he is engaged in the management of a large and important real estate and general insurance business, and to his office in the Dispatch building, new patrons are con- stantly coming. His reputation as a reli- able business man and as an expert in the insurance line is a valuable business asset, and his many satisfied customers are his most profitable advertising medium. On June 26, 1918, Mr. Galland enlisted in the United States navy, for service during the World War. He served as general inspector of the naval overseas transportation service, in which capacity the discharge of his duties took him to all the different ports of the country, from Maine to Florida. He received his hon- orable discharge May 12, 1919. Politi- cally Mr. Galland 1s a Democrat, but he does not always cast his vote for the can- didates of that party. He reserves to himself the right to cast his vote inde- pendently. He has many friends in Union Hill and vicinity, and among his business associates he has won a reputation for honest dealing and prompt and efficient business methods. He and his family are members of St. Augustine’s Roman Cath- olic Church, of Union Hill, New Jersey. On January 21, 1921, at Elkton, Mary- land, Louis R. Galland married Marie Runge, daughter of John D. and Anna (Runy) Runge, and they are the parents of one daughter, Lois A., who was born September 12, 1922. MEYER, Louis J., Business Man, World War Veteran. A veteran of the World War, who served in that hazardous branch of the service, the submarine chasers of our navy, Mr. Meyer, since his return to civil life, has renewed the work that he was engaged in before interrupted by that awful conflict. Mr. Meyer was born in New York City on October 18, 1891, son of Solomon and Annie (Mohel) Meyer. His father had been engaged, before his demise, in the retail paint business; his mother is still living (1923). He was educated in the public schools of his native city, and graduated from Townsend Harris High School and also from City College, of New York. After completing his studies and leaving college, he became associated with David Meyer & Brothers, retail paints, of New York City, and remained with this firm first as an employee, and later as a partner, until 1917, when he entered the service of the United States navy in the World War, serving in that branch known as the submarine chasers. In 1919 he received his honorable dis- charge, and, returning to his business, was placed in charge of the Hoboken White Lead and Color Works, a sub- sidiary of the David Meyer & Brothers business. This branch of the concern had previously been known as the Albert Pflugh Company, having been founded in 1889 by Mr. Pflugh, and was purchased by David Meyer & Brothers in 1919, and incorporated as the Hoboken White Lead and Color Works. To-day Mr. Meyer has sole charge of this branch of the concern, and in addition to this is secretary and treasurer of the enterprise. He is also a partner in the main establishment of David Meyer & Brothers, of New York City. In his politics Mr. Meyer is an Inde- pendent, and in his religious affiliation belongs to the Jewish faith. He is a member of Darcy Lodge, Free and Ac- cepted Masons, of New York City, and726