Page:History of the Nonjurors.djvu/343

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History of the Nonjurors.

invocated and addressed as helpers. The Fourth proposition relative to the Eucharist is termed blasphemous, and the Patriarchs express their belief in Transubstantiation. To the Fifth point, respecting Images, they state, that to honour the saints by pictures is an ancient piece of devotion, which they daily practice. They argue at some length that the honour paid to them is only relative. The proposal, at the end of the points of disagreement, respecting a church in or near London, is approved of and accepted: and also that the Eastern Bishops, or those appointed by the Patriarch of Alexandria, should, in the event of a change in the government, perform divine service in St. Paul's in Greek and English. They then recommend the translation of the Greek Liturgy for general use.

At the close of the answers, it is added:

"The answers here transcribed to the proposals sent from Britain, were drawn up by a synodical judgment and determination of the Eastern Church, after the most mature deliberation, of the Lord Jeremias, the most holy œcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, the new Rome, and the blessed and most holy Patriarchs, the Lord Samuel of Alexandria, and the Lord Chrysanthus of Jerusalem, with the holy metropolitans, and the holy Clergy of the great Church of Christ in Constantinople, in council assembled, in the year 1718, in the month of April, day the 12th."

Then follows a synodical answer to a question, respecting the sentiments of the Greek Church, sent into Britain in the year 1672. The same decisions are expressed as in the preceding answers. It was signed by thirty-seven Patriarchs, Archbishops and Bishops. Another Synodical Decree is also given,