Page:History of the Nonjurors.djvu/362

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History of the Nonjurors.

a design. It is no small grief to us, that under our present pressures we have not been able to offer such civilities to the diligent and faithful Proto-Cyncellus, as we willingly would, but he is most acceptable to us, and we have a deep sense of the great pains he has taken in this affair.

Our hopes of a happy conclusion in this affair are increased, by the generous encouragement, which we are glad to understand, his Imperial Majesty is graciously pleased to give it, and which will redound to the immortalizing of his name. And we are very sensible, that we owe his Majesty's being rightly apprized of this affair to your faithful representations of it to him, as we do his countenancing and encouraging of it to his own greatness of soul and catholic charity.

Archibaldus, Scoto-Britanniæ Episcopus.
Jacobus, Scoto-Britanniæ Episcopus.
Jeremias, Primus Anglo-Britanniæ Episcopus.
Thomas, Anglo-Britanniæ Episcopus.

Dated, A. D. 1722,
Maii Die Tricesimo."

"To the Right Honourable Council for Ecclesiastical Affairs, at His Imperial Majesty's Palace in Petersburgh.

"We the underwritten Bishops of the Catholic remainder in Britain, have thought ourselves obliged, in point of regard to this right Honourable Board, to acquaint your Lordships, that by the hands of the Rev. Gennadius Archimandrita, and the Rev. Jacobus Proto-Cyncellus, we have lately received an answer from the four Patriarchs to some proposals of