- Ba-be-sig-aun-dib-ay (or Ba-ba-see-keen-da-se). See Curly Head.
- Bad River, 117, 243, 262
- Badge, or Symbol, 42, 45
- Bagouache trading post, 417
- Baker, B.F., post of, 487
- Baldness among Ojibways, 46
- Ball game (Baug-ah-ud-o-way), 201, 202, 265, 359
- Balloqnet, Jesuit missionarj, 409
- Bancroft, Geo., quoted, 90, 115, 116, 122
- Baraga, Bishop, Ojibway missionary, 407
- Bardwell, J.P., Ojibway missionary, 501
- Bariband, early trader, 411
- Barrett, trader, killed, 467
- Battle customs, naked, etc., 84, 244
- Battle Lake, 338, 342, 360
- Battles with Foxes, on Lake Superior, 105; with Munduas, 91; with Iroquois, 147; with Odugamies, 152; of St. Croix Falls, 242, 245, 250, 254, 330, 351; of Elk River, 50, 238, 240; of Rum River, 50, 489; on Point Shagawaumikong, 103; at Mille Lacs, 161; at Point Prescott, 169, 219; do. at Sandy Lake, 227, 235; do. at Crow Wing, 230, 233, 235; do. at Prairie Rice Lake, 312; do. on Sunrise River, 328; do. at Willow River, 329; do. at Battle Lake, 338; do. at Pembina, 354; do. at Cross Lake, 351, 353; do. at Long Prairie, 353, 358, 359, 360; do. at Goose River, 364; do. on Western Prairie, 388; do. at Stillwater, 489; do. at Pokeguma, 491; do. at Kaposia, 493; do. at Shakopee, 502.
- Baug-ah-ud-o-way, or ball, 201, 202, 205, 359
- Bear Totem, 45, 49, 86, 87, 99, 124, 176, 185, 191, 254, 256, 206, 335
- Beardash, eccentric Ojibway, 452, 453
- Beaubassin, Hertel de, 430, 431
- Beauharnois, Governor of Canada, 432
- Beauleau, Bazille, 381, 382
- Beaver trade, 176, 415, 418
- Be-dud, Ojibway warrior, 346
- Belcourt on the word Ojibway, 399
- Bell, trader, 280, 289
- Bell, Mrs., kills the negro "Tom," 289
- Belle Prairie, Minn., 11
- Bellin, the geographer, quoted, 164
- Be-na, Ojibway warrior, 355
- Berkshire, Mass., 9
- Berthot, Colin, killed by Ojibways, 411
- Be-she-ke (Buffalo), 49
- Beujeu de Ville Monde, 431
- Bi-a-jig (Ojibway warrior), 331, 332, 334
- Bi-aus-wah (Ojibway warrior), 127, 222, 236, 240, 241, 347, 349
- Bi-aus-wah (No. 2), 176, 183, 185
- Bible, Holy, quoted, 46, 55, 58, 59, 60, 62, 65
- Bible stories, similarity to Ojibway traditions, 70
- Big Foot. See Ma-mong-e-se-do.
- Big Marten (Ke-che-waub-ish-ashe), Ojibway warrior, 50, 236, 239, 240
- Big Ojibway (chief), 305
- Birch bark canoes, how made, etc, 40, 473
- Birch trees, 175
- Bison, hunting the, 40, 97, 175, 266, 355
- Black Dog (Ojibway warrior), 387
- Black Dog village, 156
- Black Duck (Ojibway warrior), 364
- Black Feet, the, 33, 34, 68, 70
- Black Hawk, 32
- Black Hawk war, 136
- Blood for blood, Ojibway custom, 139, 307
- Blue Eagle (Ojibway warrior), 361
- Bois Forts Band, 39, 45, 85, 378
- Boisquillot, early trader, 413
- Bonga, fur trader, 381
- Bonga, George, 488
- Bonga, Jean, a negro slave, 488
- Bonga, Pierre, 488
- Bonga, Stephen, 488
- Bostwick, Henry, British trader, 209
- Boucher, Marie, 427
- Boucher, Pierre, 98, 403, 427
- Bougainville, describes western posts, 429
- Bourbon River, 414
- Boudinot, Elias, quoted, 62
- Boutwell, Rev. W.T., Ojibway visionary, 11, 12, 20, 62, 406, 478, 482, 484