- Fort Erie, 218
- Fort Howard, 372, 374, 376
- Fort Jonquiere, 429
- Fort La Reine, 429
- Fort Mackinaw (or Michilimakinac), captare of, 200, 204, 210, 218, 217, 373
- Fort Niagara, 217, 416
- Fort Poskoyac, 429
- Fort Repentigny, 435
- Fort Ripley, 266
- Fort Snelling, 166, 865, 867, 890, 391, 474, 476, 486
- Fort St. Antoine, 419
- Fort St. Charles, 429
- Fort St. Croix, 411
- Fort St. Joseph, 416
- Fort St. Pierre, 429
- Fourcelle, Chevalier, 411
- Foxes. See Odugamies.
- Fox River, Wis., 82, 192, 242
- France, 99, 378
- Franks, a trader, 460
- Franquelin's map (1688), quoted, 155, 821, 401, 404
- French (Canadian), 116, 117, 130, 131, 137, 141, 146, 153, 163, 164, 220, 316, 373
- French, the name the Ojibways called them, 116
- French cession of North America, 194, 195
- French intermarried largely with Ojibways, 132, 133, 195, 198
- Frobisher, far trader, 380
- Frontenac, Count, Gov. of Canada, 155, 163; feasts Indians, 417; in council with Ojibways, 421; censures Le Boesme, 409
- Fur trade, the, 9, 125, 130, 134
- Fur trade, the, its palmy days, 380, 381
- Fur traders on Lake Superior, 378, 446
- Fur traders, change in personnel, 385
- Future life, Ojibway ideas of, 73
- Gage, General, his estimate of Rogers, 442, 443
- Gallinee, a Sulpitian at Sault Ste. Marie, 406
- Game, abundance of, once, 97, 266
- Game, how hunted by the Ojibways, 263
- Gamelle's wife killed by Ojibways, 493
- Garland, Major U.S.A., 475
- Gaston, Jean Baptiste, 397
- Ga-ta-ge-te-gaun-ing (Vieux Desert), 38
- Gaulthier, trader, 381
- Gaultier, Magdalene, 427
- Gaultier, Marie, 427
- Gaultier, Rene, 427
- Gaultier, Pierre, 427
- Gauss Lake, 224
- Generations, how counted by Ojibways, 89
- Gladwyn, Major, 201
- God, Ojibway ideas of, 56, 59, 63, 64
- Good Road band, Dakotas, 156
- Gorrel, Lt., 439
- Graham, Duncan, 465
- Grand Island, 243
- Grand Portage, 52, 84, 86, 129, 137, 140, 143, 177, 189, 219, 243, 262, 281, 288, 292, 321, 378, 382
- Gravier, Father, 82
- Great Britain, 378, 879
- Great Buffalo, Ojibway chief, 48, 86, 147, 221, 246
- Great Cloud (Keche-ann-oguet), Ojibway Chief, 370
- Great Lake. See Winnipeg.
- Great Spirit, ideas of, 58, 59, 63, 64, 87, 93, 99, 117, 198, 244
- Greeley, Elam, 471
- Green, Rev. Beriah, 12
- Green Bay, Wis., 32, 33, 37, 43, 209, 315, 331, 332
- Gregory, fur trader, 380
- Gray Iron's Band, Dakotas, 156
- Groseilliers, early explorer, 401, 402, 403, 407, 414
- Gros Ventres, the, 178, 179, 181, 261
- Gulf of Mexico, 279
- Gull Lake, 14, 38, 117, 178. 180, 224, 263, 266, 349, 352, 366, 367
- Gull River, 224
- Hainault, Elizabeth, 401
- Hainault, Madeleine, 401
- Hale, Horatio, quoted, 42
- Hall, Rev. Sherman, missionary, 406, 464
- Hanks, Lt. Porter, 460
- Harmer, Fort, 32
- Harris, early trader, 450