- Po-da-waud-um-eeg. See Pottawatomies.
- Poinsett, U.S. Sec. of War, 490
- Point Douglas, 167, 173
- Point Iroquois, how named, 147
- Point Prescott, 167
- Poisoning for revenge by medicine men, 270, 324
- Pokeguma, 105, 171, 172, 175, 320, 335; mission at, 491; battle of, 491
- Pokaguma Falls, 225, 320
- Pomme de Terre River fight, 401
- Pond, fur trader, 380
- Pond, Rev. Gideon H., 486
- Pond, Rev. S.W., 487
- Pontiac, 149, 199, 200, 210, 214, 218, 439, 440
- Poor, Sir Edward, 69
- Portage, 38
- Pothier, a trader, 460
- Pottawatomies, 32, 43, 81, 82, 83, 124, 140, 218, 309, 372
- Potter, Nathaniel, visits Ojibways, 442
- Poux, contraction for Ponteaoutin, 32
- Pow-hat-tan, 30
- Prairie du Chien, 317, 390, 391
- Prairie portage, 281, 287, 288
- Preston, English ambassador at Paris, notices Groseilliers and Radisson, 414
- Prairie Rice Lake, 308, 310, 313
- Price, Mrs. E.B., 18
- Prices paid for beaver, 415
- Priesthood among Ojibways. See Medecine Men.
- Prophet, the Shawano, 118, 320, 321, 323
- Prophet, Ojibwa, prediction by, 117
- Puk-wah, Rice Lake, 180
- Puk-wah-wan-uh, 119
- Quebec, 30, 31, 99, 116, 122, 123, 126, 130, 134, 144, 194, 195, 220, 378
- Que-wis-aus (Little Boy) Lake, 225
- Rabbit Lake, Minn., 38
- Race, human, origin of, 60
- Radison, Sieur, notice of, 401; visit to France, 414
- Radisson, Margaret, 401
- Rainy Lake, 38, 84, 184, 185, 189, 202, 281, 288, 427
- Ramsey, Gov. Alex., gives medal, 67; on word Ojibway, 399; visits the Ojibway country, 499; holds council at Fort Snelling, 500
- Randin, Frontenac's engineer, visits extremity of Lake Superior, 409
- Raratoans (People of the Falls), 96
- Rasle, a voyageur, 281, 284
- Red Cedar Lake, 191
- Red Cedar River, Wis. (or Menominee), 309, 320
- Red Lake, Minn., 38, 178, 185, 189, 281, 287, 289, 343, 350, 363, 364; first marked on a map, 428; trader killed at, 456
- Red Lake band, 40, 180
- Red race disappearing, 23, 31
- Red race, their character not understood, 24
- Red race to be ranged under several types, 29
- Red race, origin of, 54
- Red race, tradition regarding creation of, 58
- Red race, did they descend from the Hebrews? 62
- Red River, 38, 40, 47, 50, 138, 185, 261, 279, 281, 287, 288, 337, 355, 350, 358, 362, 364, 378, 428
- Red post, or stake, striking the, 77, 144, 332
- Red Wing, Minn., 156, 303
- Red Wood River, 150
- Reindeer Totem, 50, 52, 219
- Relationship, in totemic system, 42
- Religion. See Medawe.
- Religion, 63, 72, 322
- Religion, Christian, brought to Ojibways, 57
- Renards, or Foxes. See Odugamies.
- Renville, trader, 366
- Repentigny, Chevalier de, at Mackinaw, 436; notice of, 433; at Sault Ste. Marie, 433; his fort, 434, 435; service in French and English war, 437; subsequent life, 437, 438
- Revenge, blood for blood, 84
- Revolutionary war, 9