- Shadawish (Bad Pelican), Ojibway chief, 192, 317, 318
- Shakopee, Minn., 156
- Shakopee, battle of, 502
- Shagawaumikong. See Chagouamigon.
- Shappa (Beaver), Yancton chief, 358, 359, 362, 363, 364
- Shawakeshig, Ojibway warrior, 50, 362, 363
- Shawanos. See Shawnees.
- Shawano prophet. See Prophet.
- Shawnees, the, 32, 218
- Shawunoag. See Shawanos.
- Shaug-un-ush, or British, 195
- Shell River, 164
- She-se-be, Ojibway warrior, 346, 352
- Shin-ga-ba-wos-sin, Ojibway chief, 47, 319, 392, 445, 462, 470
- Shin-goob, or "Balsam," 50, 130
- Shing-wauk, or Little Pine, 462
- Shoneyah, or "Silver," Ojibway chief, 165, 335
- Shokpedan, or Shakopee, Dakota chief, 156
- Shosh-e-man, or "Snow Glider," Ojibway chief, 334
- Sibley Lake, 224
- Silver crosses sold by traders, 439
- Sioux. See Dakotas.
- Sissetons, the, 168, 266, 352, 304, 359
- Six Nations of New York, 30, 83, 146, 148, 217
- Smallpox, how introduced among Ojibways, 260, 261, 344
- Smith, Capt. John, 30
- Snake River, 243, 246
- Snelling, Col., U.S.A., 474
- Snelling, H.H., 475
- Snelling, W.J., 476
- Snelling, Fort, 474, 476, 485
- Solomons, Ezekiel, British trader, 209
- Song-uk-um-ig, or "Strong Ground," Ojibway chief, 47, 353, 354, 470
- Spiritualism among Ojibways, 27
- Spontaneous Man, Ojibway name for themselves, 56
- Strong Ground. See Song-uk-um-ig.
- Stillwater, Minn., 11; Indian fight at, 489; scalp dance at, 499
- Stirling, General, 444
- Stuart, Robert, 494
- Sturgeon, 175
- Sucre, le (Sweet), Ojibway chief, 231, 376, 452, 454, 458, 459
- Sugar trees, 175, 263
- Suk-a-aug-un-ing, 315
- Summer life among red race, 251, 264
- Sunrise River, 327, 328
- Sunrise River, battle on, 328
- Swamp People, or "Swampies." See Musk-keeg-oes.
- Sweet. See Sucre, le.
- Swan River, 384
- Swearing unknown in Ojibway tongue, 64
- Symbol, family, 42
- Tabushaw, Ojibway warrior, 355
- Taliaferro, Major, agent for Sioux, 465, 474, 476, 483
- Talon, intendant, 99
- Tartaric origin of Dakotas, 62
- Taupine, Sieur de la, 408
- Tecumseh, 118, 324, 372
- Tennessee River, 32
- Tepees, or wigwams, 158
- Ticonderoga, Ojibways at, 432
- Theology of the Ojibways, 27. See also Medawe.
- Thief River, 326, 356
- Thompson, D., astronomer and geographer of Northwest Company, explores the Red River of the north, 151; visits Red Lake, 451
- Thunder Bay, 84
- Tobacco raised by Gros Ventres, 179
- Tom, a negro engagé, 289
- Tongue River, fight at, 454
- Tonty, Henry, 409, 415
- Torture of prisoners, 82, 106, 107, 128, 188
- Totemic system, 34; analogous to Hebrew customs, 70
- Totemic division of Ojibways, 41
- Totems. See Crane, Bear, etc.
- Totems, members cannot intermarry, 42; the five original, 43, 44; system not known among Dakotas, 43, 61; list of the present, 44; the fish species, 46; intermingling of, 165
- Tracy, Mr., British trader, 205, 208
- Trader, a, robbed by pillagers, 258
- Trading post, first, on La Pointe Island, 96