- Ojibway, 12, 25; becomes interpreter, 13, 14; comes to Minnesota, 14; marries, 14; his familiarity with Ojibwa legends, 15, 17; collects historical facts from the Indians, 15, 17, 19, 25; begins to write book, 10; his moral qualities, 16; elected to legislature, 15; death of, 18; eulogies on, 19; his children, 20; other works projected by him, 26, 27
- Warren, Wm. Tyler, 20
- Washington, D. C, 392
- Washington, George, 433, 444
- Wash-kin-e-ka, or "Crooked Arm," 363
- Wa-son-ou-e-qua, or "Yellow Hair," Ojibway chief, 269
- Wash-ta-do-ga-waub, Ojibway chief, 364
- Watab River, 352
- Watrous, Hon. John S., 14
- Waub-ash-aw, Ojibway warrior, 330
- Waub-o-jeeg, or "White Fisher," Ojibway chief, 52, 232, 235, 242, 246, 248, 253, 266, 351, 352, 394, 438, 447
- Waub-ish-aahe, Marten totem, 50
- Waub-ij-e-jauk, or "White Crane," 11, 48, 317, 321
- Waub-ish-gang-aug-e, or "White Crow," 47, 192, 319
- Waub-un-uk-eeg, or Delawares, 32
- Waukouta, 156
- Wausekogubig, or "Bright Forehead," 223, 227
- Wa-wa-tam, saves Henry's life, 204, 206, 213, 214
- Wa-won-ge-quon, Ojibway chief, 180, 289, 356
- We-esh-coob, or Sweet. See Sucre, le.
- We-esh-dam-o, Ojibway chief, 47
- We-kauns, or initiating priests, 77
- Wen-ni-way, Ojibway chief, 206
- We-non-ga, or "The Vulture," 342
- We-qua-dang (Ance-ke-we-naw), 38
- Wheelock, President of Dartmouth College, 443
- Whipple, Mercy (grandmother of W.W. Warren), 9
- Whiskey, among Indians, 31, 120, 301
- White Crane. See Waub-ij-e-jauk.
- White Earth Reservation, 12, 16, 20
- White fish, 175, 186
- White Fish Lake, 224
- White Fisher. See Waubojeeg.
- Whites, intercourse with, 101, 108, 113, 125
- Whites, Ojibways first discovered by, 117, 118
- Whites, first visit to La Pointe, 121
- Whitesborough, New York, 12
- Wigwams, how built, 40, 98, 100, 157, 160, 254
- Williams, J. Fletcher, Memoir of W.W. Warren, 7
- Willow River, 329
- Winnebago Lake, 33
- Winnebago agency at Long Prairie, 266, 353
- Winnebagoes, 3, 14, 30, 32, 43, 47, 193, 247. 314, 352, 354
- Winnebagoes, borrow totemic system from Ojibways, 43
- Winnepegosish Lakes, 224
- Winnepeg Lake, 38, 98, 175, 178, 183, 185, 281, 288, 326
- Wisconsin, 32, 37, 190, 292, 386
- Wisconsin Historical Collections, quoted, 145
- Wisconsin River, 3, 38, 39, 126, 149, 190, 191, 192, 242, 243, 299, 317, 320, 356
- Wiscoup, Weeshcoob. See Sucre, le.
- Wolf's Father, Ojibway chief, 319, 320
- Wolf totem, or clan, 45, 49, 165, 335
- Wolfe, General, 195, 437
- Women, Ojibway, their labors, 265
- Wood, Wm. H., 19
- Wyandots, the, 30, 124, 146
- Yankton Dakotas, 138, 139, 168, 356
- Yellow Hair, legend of, 269, 274
- Yellow Hair, Ojibway Chief, 310, 311, 312, 319, 320
- Yellow Lake, 171, 172, 326, 335
- X.Y. Fur Company, 380