Page:History of the University of Pennsylvania - Montgomery (1900).djvu/222

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History of the University of Pennsylvania.

But that Things of a more weighty Nature may be done with greater Deliberation and Solemnity, the Inflicting upon any Student or Students, the greater Punishments of Expulsion, Suspension and Degradation, shall be by Direction of the Trustees only when duly met. And, if at such Meetings of the Faculty it shall appear, that there has been a Neglect of Duty in any Professor, the Faculty shall admonish him in the most friendly Manner; but if repeated Admonitions have not the proper Effect, they shall lay the Matter before the Trustees.

Sect. 2.


And that a Body of good Laws may speedily be compiled & perfected by Persons, who from their daily Employments in this Seminary, have frequent Opportunities of discovering the Necessity, or Utility, of particular Regulations; and because various Cases and Circumstances may arise, which no human Prudence can foresee, and against which the Laws then in Being have not sufficiently provided; the Faculty, when met, shall from Time to Time, have Power to make such Ordinances and Regulations, as they, or the major Part of them, shall judge necessary, either for the Education of the Youth, or the better Government of the several Members of this College Academy & Charity-School. The Regulations and Ordinances so made by the Faculty, shall have the same Force as Laws and Statutes of the Trustees till their first ensuing Meeting; before whom at their said first ensuing Meeting, all such Regulations and Ordinances shall be laid by the Provost or any other Person they may appoint for that Purpose. If at the first Meeting of the Trustees the said Regulations and Ordinances shall not be annulled, they shall still continue in Force, as Ordinances of the Faculty, subject to such Amendments & Alterations as the Trustees from Time to Time shall think proper; till at last by them either annulled or ratified, and enrolled among the publick Statutes. Nevertheless no Regulation or Ordinance made by the Faculty shall be valid if they neglect to lay the same before the Trustees at their first ensuing Meeting as above directed, nor shall any Ordinance be made repugnant to the standing Laws of the Corporation. But if the Faculty find any Amendment or Alteration of a standing Law of the Corporation necessary, they shall propose the same to the Trustees for their Consideration.

Sect. 3.

OF THE PARTICULAR POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE PROVOST. The Provost shall have a general Inspection of the Morals and Behaviour of all the Youth, to admonish and regulate them in all Affairs of smaller Concern.