Page:History of the University of Pennsylvania - Montgomery (1900).djvu/242

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History of the University of Pennsylvania.

FIRST YEAR FRESHMAN, May First Term Three Months Second Term Three Months January Third Term Four Months SECOND YEAR JUNIORS May 15 First Term Three Months Second Term Three Months N. B. Altho' it is tho't necessary to fix some Classics as a Text to read the Lectures by, yet there must be a Liberty of changing them left when needful AFTERNOON Classical and Rhetoric Studies LECTURE III Homer's Iliad Juvenal Pindar Cicero, Select Parts Livy resumed Thucydides, or Euripides Wells' s Dionysius N. B. Some Afternoons to be Spared for Declamation this year Rhetoric from Preceptor Longinus critically Horace' s Art of Poetry critically AristoL Poet, critically. Quintilian, Select Parts. N. B. Thro' all the years the French Language may be Studied at leisure Hours. PRIVATE HOURS Miscellaneous Studies For improv. the various Branches Spectators, Ramblers, and monthly Maga- zines, for the Improve- ment of Style and Knowledge of Life. Barrow's Lectures, Par- die's Geometry, Mac laurin's Algebra, Ward's Mathematics, Keil' s Trigonometry. Watts' s Logic, and Sup- plement, Locke on Human Understand- ing, Hutcheson' s Metaphysics, V a r e - n i u s ' s Geography, Watts' s Ontology and Essays, Kingde Origine Mali with Law's Notes. V o s s i u s , Bossu, Pere Bohours, D r y d e n ' s Essays and Prefaces, Spence on Pope's Odyssey, Trapp' s Proelect. Poet. Diony- sius Halicarn, Deme- trius Phalereus, Stradae Prolusiones, Patoun's Navigation, Gregory' s Geometry, Bisset on Fortification, Simp-