Page:History of the University of Pennsylvania - Montgomery (1900).djvu/393

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History of the University of Pennsylvania.

made in the Fourth Year of the Reign of the late Queen Anne, entitled An Act for the better collecting Charity Money on Briefs by Letters Patent, and preventing abuses in relation to such charities, Our Will and Pleasure is, and we do hereby (for the better Advancement of these our Pious intentions) require and command all Ministers, Teachers, and Preachers, Church Wardens, Chapel Wardens, and the Collectors of this Brief, and all others concerned, that they and every of them observe the Directions in the said Act contained, and do in all Things conform themselves thereunto; and that when the printed copies of these Presents shall be tendered unto you the respective Ministers and Curates, Church Wardens and Chapel War- dens, and to the respective Teachers and Preachers of every separate Con- gregation, that you, and every of you, under the Penalties to be inflicted by the said Act, do receive the same. And you the respective Ministers and Curates, Teachers and Preach- ers, are, by all persuasive Motives and Arguments, earnestly to exhort your respective Congregations and Assemblies to a liberal Contribution of their Charity for the Pious Intent and Purpose aforesaid And you the said Church Wardens and Chapel Wardens, together with the Minister, and some of the substantial Inhabitants of the several Parishes and Places accompany- ing them, are also hereby required to go from House to House, upon the Week Days next following the Publication of these Presents, to ask and receive from the Parishioners, as well Masters and Mistresses, as Servants and others in their Families, their charitable and Christian Contributions and to take the Names in Writing of all such as shall contribute hereunto, and the Sum and Sums by them respectively given, and indorse the whole Sums upon the said printed Briefs, in Words at Length, and subscribe the same with their proper Hands, together with the Name of the Parish or Place where, and the Time when collected, and to enter the same in the publick Books of Account kept for each Parish and Chapelry respectively; and the Sum and Sums collected, together with the said printed Briefs, so endorsed, you are to deliver to the said Deputies and Agents authorized to receive the same. * * * And lastly, Our will and pleasure is, That no Person or Persons shall receive the said printed Briefs or Monies collected thereon, but such only as shall be deputed and made the Bearer and Bearers of these Pres- ents, or Duplicates thereof. In witness whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and to continue in Force for One Whole Year from Michaelmas Day next, and no longer. The " Trustees and Receivers of the charity to be collected by virtue of these Presents, with Power to any Five or more of them, to give Deputations to such Collectors as shall be chosen