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Page:History of the War between the United States and Mexico.djvu/17

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Sketches of Captain W. S. Henry; "The Conquest of California and New Mexico," by J. Madison Cutts; "Doniphan's Expedition," by J. T. Hughes; and "Adventures in Mexico," by C. Dunnovan.

I have also derived much valuable information from the letters of the regular and occasional correspondents of different public journals, and, particularly, those of the New Orleans press, I have often found these, however, conflicting very materially with the official statements, and, as, from the nature of the case, was to be presumed, more or less tinged with the gossip of the camp. It has, therefore, been sometimes extremely difficult to separate the real from the fanciful; and I can hardly flatter myself with the hope that I have entirely avoided errors, though I trust none may be found, impairing the general fidelity of the work.

It is likewise proper that I should acknowledge my indebtedness to the well-executed maps of Majors Tumbull and Linnard, and the other able and intelligent officers of the Corps of Topographical Engineers, which have accompanied the official reports from the seat of war.

My thanks are further due, to J. S. Meehan, Esquire, the Librarian of Congress, and his assistants, for their kindness and courtesy; and to the Hon. John A. Dix, of the United States Senate, for the receipt of several valuable public documents.

Auburn, September 1, 1848.