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Page:History of the War between the United States and Mexico.djvu/354

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day[1] Colonel Childs remained at Puebla, as civil and military governor, with a garrison of about 1,400 men, consisting of detachments from different regiments.

  1. The total rank and file of the army which marched to the capital under General Scott, was 10,738. The cavalry brigade under Colonel Harney, consisted of detachments of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dragoons, commanded respectively by Captain Kearny, Major Sumner, and Lieutenant Colonel Moore, and a volunteer company in command of Cap — tain McKinstry of the quartermaster's department. The first division was commanded by General Worth; the first brigade, under Colonel Garland, consisting of Lieutenant Colonel Duncan's light battery, the 2nd artillery, Major Galt, 3rd artillery, Lieutenant Colonel Belton, and 4th infantry, Major Lee; and the second brigade, under Colonel Clarke, consisting of the 5th infantry, Colonel McIntosh, 6th infantry, Major Bonneville, and 8th infantry, Major Waite. The siege train, under Captain Huger of the ordnance, was attached to Worth's division. The second division was commanded by General Twiggs; the first brigade, under General P. F. Smith, consisting of the rifle regiment, Major Loring, the 1st artillery, Major Dimmick, 3rd infantry, Captain Alexander, and Captain Taylor's light battery; and the second brigade, under Col onel Riley. consisting of the 4th artillery, Major Gardner, 2nd infantry, Captain Morris, and 7th infantry, Lieutenant Colonel Plympton. The company of sappers and miners, under Lieutenant G. W. Smith, was attached to Twiggs' division. The third division was commanded by General Pillow; the first brigade,under General Pierce, consisting of the 91h infantry, Colonel Ransom, 152th infantry, Lieutenant Colonel Bonham, and 15th infantry, Colonel Morgan; and the second brigade, under General Cadwalader, consisting of the voltigeuers,with the mountain howitzer and rocket battery, Colonel Andrews, 11th infantry, Lieutenant Colonel Graham, and 14th infantry, Colonel Trousdale. Captain Magruder's light battery was also attached to this division. The fourth division was commanded by General Quitman, and consisted of the South Carolina regiment, Colonel Butler, and the New York volunteers, Colonel Burnett, forming the brigade of General Shields, with the 2nd Pennsylvania, Colonel Roberts, the battalion of marines, Lieutenant Colonel Watson, and Captain Steptoe's battery.