Page:History of the devil, ancient and modern (1).pdf/7

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against another; and, as Hudibrass said in another case,

"Make them fight like mad or drunk,
“For Dame Religion, as for punk."

Of this you have a complete account in the history of the Popes decrees against the Count de Thoulouse, and the Waldenses and Albigences, with the crusadoes and massacres, which followed upon them; wherein, to do the Devil's politics some justice, he met with all the success he could desire. The zealots of that day executed his infernal orders most punctually, and planted religion in those countries in a glorious and triumphant manner, upon the destruction of an infinite number of innocent people, whose blood has fattened the soil for the growth of the Catholic faith, in a manner very particular, and to satan's full satisfaction.

I might, to complete this part of the history, give you the detail of his progress in these first steps of his alliances with Rome, and add a list of massacres, wars, and expeditions in behalf of religion, which he had the honour to have a visible hand in; such as the Parisian massacre, the Flemish war under the Duke d'Alva, the Smithfield fires in the Marian days in England, and the massacres in Ireland. And even some old women, within these 20 years, thought he lent a little help among the Catholics and the Orange boys, when they met at fairs; some think he was not far from the seat of war on the Continent of Europe, and he has puffed up his Holiness the Pope, to issued a Bull, against British and Foreign Bible Societies, and those persons, noble or ignoble, who are found