Page:History of the devil, ancient and modern (1).pdf/9

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cunningly fell in with the ecclesiastics of the country, and joining the priestcraft of both religions together, they brought Jesus Christ and Confucius to be so reconcilable, that the Chinese and Roman Idolatry, appeared capable of a confederacy, of going on hand in hand together; and consequently of being very good friends.

This was a masterpiece indeed, and, as they say, almost frightened Satan out of his wits ; but he, being a ready manager, and particularly famous for serving himself of the rogueries of the priests, faced about immediately to the mission, and making a virtue of necessity, clapt in, with all possible alacrity, with the proposal; so the Jesuits and he formed a hotch potch of religion, made up of Popery and Paganism, and calculated to leave the latter rather worse than they found it, blending the faith of Christ and the Philosophy or morals of Confucius together, and formally christening them by the name of religion; by which means the politic interest of the mission was preserved: and yet Satan lost not one inch of ground with the Chinese, no, not by the planting the gospel itself, such as it was among them.

The influence the Devil has in the politics of mankind, is another especial part of his history and would require, if it were possible, a very exact description; but here we shall be necessarily obliged to inquire so nicely into the arcana of circumstances, and unlock the cabinets of state in so many courts canvass the councils of ministers, and the conduct of princes so fully, and expose them so much, that it may perhaps make a combustion among the great politicians abroad; and in doing that, we may come so near home, too, that though personal