Page:History of the king and the cobbler.pdf/1

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King and the Cobbler.

Part I. Shews how King Henry VIII. used to visit the Watches in the City; his acquaintance with a merry Cobbler; how he was entertained in the Cobbler s Cellar, and what had like to have befallen them; how upon parting the King invited him to Court, and what befel him there.
Part II. Informs what passed between the Cobbler and his wife Joan on his return from Court; also how the Queen, hearing of their mirth which the Cobbler made was deſirous of seeing him; upon which the King disguised himſelf as a Tanner and went to sell the Cobbler some leather, and took the Queen with him as a young country maid: how the King invited the Cobbler and his Wife to dine with them at an Inn, and what passed there: and lastly, how the Cobbler was put in fear of his life, and came off with flying colours.


Printed and Sold by J Morren, Cowgate.