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The Hiſtory of the Seven

bring him a beautiful woman, and he would have a great reward; whereupon the Steward compelled his wife to ly with the King, bargaining for a thouſand pieces of ſilver, and the Lady to depart ere morning. To this the King conſenting, ſhe was brought, and the King enjoyed her when, before day, the huſband came and entreated his Lord to diſmiſs her; but the King refuſed ſaying, the pleaſed him ſo well, that ſhe ſhould ſleep with him longer, whereat he being much diſturbed, told him ſhe was his wife, and that, for lucre he had forced her to his arms: At which the King moved to anger, bade him depart on pain of death, which he did; and the King maintained his wife as his own. For this example, ſaid the Emperor, my ſon ſhall die to-morrow.


Cleophas the ſixth Maſter's Interceſſion.

CLEOPHAS came and ſaid, there lived in this city a Knight, who married a very beautiful Lady, whoſe voice was ſo charming, that ſhe raviſhed the hearers;—One day, as ſhe ſat ſinging with the caſement open, three favourite Knights of the Emperor paſſed by, who were all much