Page:History upon death or, The mirror of man's misery.pdf/4

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That for my flesh took such care;
but gain'd no grace for my poor four
And now no time remains at all,
to mend my life that none may see
But go to Judgement general;
this makes me dread when I shall die
Then when my breath begins to fail,
my feet and hands do lose their might
My fear is for the fiends of hell,
for they come all in flight,
And every one that sees that fight
for at our ending they shall be,
Reaving our souls if they have right.
this makes me dread when I shall die
And then I fear that bitter pain,
now death shall come and break my heart.
With many thratch and grievious groan
when he shall shake me with his dar(illegible text)
He will make me to feel his smart,
and sting of death most cruelly,
Before my life from me depart,
this makes me dread when I shall die
Then shall he send his good angels,

with trumpets founding loud and shrill,