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INDEX. 249 U. Dim, surrenderoftheAvistrian general, Muck at, 187. United Provinces, war of, with Lewis XIV., 141. Urban II., Pope, First Crusade preached hy, 17 ; excommunicates Philip I. and Bertrade, 17. Urban III., hi"; death, 27 Urban VI., Pope, his disputed elec- tion, 64. Urban VIII., Pope, 13T. Ushant. naval battle of, 163. Utrecht, Peace of, 151. V. Val-es-Dunes, battle of, 16. Valais. anne.xed by Buonaparte, 191. Valence, duchy of, 92. Valenciennes, taken by Lewis XIV., Valentina Visconti, Duchess of Or- leans, her kindness to Charles VI., 65; implores justice for her hus- band's murder, 66 ; dies, ib. Valmy, battle of, 171. Vannes. battle of, 54. Varaville, battle of, 16. Vassy, massacre of, 107. Vauban, Sebastian, 140. Vaud, liberation of 181. Venaissin. annexed to France, 167. Vendome, Duke of, his campaign in the war of the Spanish Succession, 148 — 151. Venice, Treaty of Lewis XII with, 92; joins the Holy League, 94; Republic of, dissolved by Buona- parte, 178 ; French conquest of, ib. Verdun, Treaty of, 5 ; claimed and taken by Rene of Anjou, 77 ; bishoprick of, seized by Henry 11., 103 ; furmal cession of, to France, 135 ; executions in, 173. Vemeuil. attacked and burned by Lewis VII , 25 ; battle of, 71. Versailles, William I. of Prussia chosen German Emperor at, 214. Vervens, Treaty of, 121. Vezelai. Parliament of. 22. Victor Amadeus, Duke of Savoy, his war with Lewis XIV , 146 ; makes peace with Lewis, 147 ; helped by Eugene against Duke of, 149; invades Provence, ib. Victor Emanuel, King of Sardinia, Victoria, Queen, visits Louis Philippe at Eu, 204. Villa-Franca, meeting of the emperors at, 210. Vimiera, battle of. iqo. Vienna. Treaty of. 154; French occu- pation of, 1S7 ; igi ; Congress of, 197; 200 ; 208. Viennois, Dauphiny of, sold by Hum- bert to John, Duke of Normandy, 55 Villars, Marshal, commands the French in the Spanish Succession war, 148 — 151. Vionville, battle of, 212. Visconti. John Galeazzo, married to Isabel of France, 60. Vitry, burned by Lewis VII., 22. Vittoria, battle of, 194. Voltaire, influence of his writings, 161. W Wagram, battle of, 191. War^aw, duchy of. 189. Waterloo, battle of, 19S. Weissemburg. battle of. 212. Wellington, Duke of (Sir Arthur Wellesley), his campaigns in the Peninsular War, 190, 191, lo;, 195; defeats Buonaparte at Waterloo, 198. Westphalia, Peace of, 133 ; Kingdom of, 189. Whitworth, Lord, insulted by Buona- parte, 184. Wilhelmshohe, castle of, 212. William, Count of Arques, 16 William, Duke of Aiuitaine, war of with Hugh Capet, 11. 12. Willia'n, Duke of Aquitame, dies on a pilgrimage, 21. William, Duke of Aquitaine, defeated by Geoffrey of Anj. u, 16. William, Earl of Salisbur>% joins the crusade of Saint Louis, 39. 40. William Humbert, Grand Inquisitor, trial of the Templars before, 49. William of Nogaret, sent against Boni- face VIII. by Philip IV., 4S; his wicked treatment of Boniface, ib. William Longsword, Duke of Nor- mandy, alliance of, with Hugh the Great, 9 ; killed by Amulf ol Flanders, ib. William the Conqueror, Duke of the Normans, his minority, 15 ; knighted by Henry I., ib.; victorijus at Val- es-Dunes, i6 : marries Matilda of