Page:Hockey, Canada's Royal Winter Game.djvu/25

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done for the game in Ontario. Caring for the senior clubs and fostering the interests of the juniors, it has placed hockey on as solid a basis in the west, as the original association has done for Quebec.

The record of the results of each year's championship is as follows:

1891 Ottawa H.C. defeated Queen's College 4 – 1
1892 "" " Osgood Hall 10 – 4
1893 "" " Queen's College  6 – 3
1894 Osgoode Hall " Queen's College 3 – 2
1895 Queen's College " Trinity College 17 – 3
1896 "" " Stratford H. C. 12 – 3
1897 "" " Toronto Varsity 12 – 7
1898 Osgoode Hall " Queen's College 7 – 3
1899 Queen's College

Manitoba has produced in the Winnipeg Victorias, a team that can compare most favorably with any seven that ever chased the rubber disc. Holders, for a season, of the Stanley Cup, they are past masters in the art of skating and stick handling, and because of the high perfection which the game has attained in Manitoba, they will ever be dangerous rivals for any team in the east that captures the coveted trophy.

Besides the Victorias, there are the "Winnipegs" of Winnipeg, who deserve honorable mention as a clever, practiced aggregation.

In the Maritime Provinces hockey has been introduced to stay. It is obtaining a firm hold on the younger generations, and is fast