Page:Hocus pocus, or, The whole art of legerdemain in perfection (1).pdf/24

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shufflind them, let the card fall into your lap, which the party drew, so calling for some eggs, desire that party that drew the card, or any person else in the company, to choose any one of these eggs, and when they have chosen one, ask him if there be any thing in it, and they will answer no; then take the egg in your left hand, and your false stick in your right, and so break the egg with your stick, then let the spring go and the card will appear in the egg, very amazing to the beholders; then conceal that stick, and produced the true one upon the table.

How to make two Bells come into one hand, having put into each hand one.

This feat must be performed with three bells: you must put one bell into your left sleeve; then put one bell into one hand, and another into the other hand; they must be little maurice bells. Withdraw your hand, and privately convey the bell in your left hand into your right hand; then stretch both your hands abroad, and bid two men hold your hands fast, but first shake your hand and say. 'Do you hear them?' The bell that is in your sleeve will not be known by their rattling, but that it is in your hand; then say, 'He now that is the greatest whore-master of you born shall have none at all.' open your hands, and shew them, and it will be thought that you deal by magic art.