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Page:Home-Made Toys for Boys and Girls (Hall).djvu/70

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a piece of string, if you haven't a compass. When the wheels have been cut out, place them in your bench-vise, one at a time, and with a file make a groove

Fig. 76.—The Toy Railway
Fig. 76.—The Toy Railway

Fig. 76.—The Toy Railway

around the edge as shown at C, Fig. 77. Bore a three-eighths-inch hole through each upright at F, Fig. 75, and another through the center of each wheel. Now fasten two of the uprights six inches apart upon a block of wood, as shown at A and B, Fig. 77. Whittle a shaft to fit loosely in the holes of the uprights, and, after slipping it into them, fasten one of the wheels upon one end and a small spool upon the other (see C and D in Fig. 77). A weight of some sort should be fastened to the base, as shown at E. The uprights for the other support should be similarly mounted upon

Fig. 77. Support for Trolley-Line.
Fig. 77. Support for Trolley-Line.

Fig. 77. Support for Trolley-Line.