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Page:Home-Made Toys for Girls and Boys (Hall).djvu/141

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of the cardboard top F at N (see Fig. 172, also Fig. 160). Make a

Horn like Fig. 168 and glue it to the steering-wheel as shown in Fig. 174. A strip of cardboard about the size of that used for the upright of the steering-wheel should be cut for

The Brake, and glued to the inside surface of the right side of the car at O (Fig. 172).

The Chauffeur should now be made. Cut his head and body the shape and size of Fig. 169, drawing the face upon each side with goggles over the eyes. Cut the arms in two pieces the shape of P and Q (Fig. 170), and then pivot P to Q at R and the end of Q to the shoulder of the body at S, using thread for fastening the pieces together. Paint the hat, coat, sleeves, and gloves a leather color, and the face flesh color. The body should then be fastened to the hammer of the clock- works with sealing-wax, as shown in Fig. 171, while the left hand should be glued to the edge of the steering-wheel and the right to the end of the brake (see Fig. 160). By thus attaching the body to the end of the hammer, and winding up the small spring, the chauffeur will shake violently when the auto runs across the floor, showing the vibrations of the machine in a greatly exaggerated and amusing manner.

Fig. 174.—The Steering-Wheel.
Fig. 174.—The Steering-Wheel.

Fig. 174.—The Steering-Wheel.

It is now only necessary to