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Page:Home-Made Toys for Girls and Boys (Hall).djvu/167

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forms too quickly your glass bottle is likely to split. Label the bottle in which you put this solution POISON.

As the bi-chromate solution attacks the zinc element of a cell even when the current is not being drawn upon, the zinc should be removed when the cell is not in use.

Amalgamating a Zinc Pencil. To reduce the eating away of a zinc pencil used in a bi-chromate solution, the zinc should be amalgamated by rubbing a thin coat of mercury over its surface. Dip the zinc into the solution, first, then with a rag dipped in the solution rub the mercury on to it.

Fig. 208.—Plan of Motor Truck Bottom. Fig. 209.—Section through Bottom.
Fig. 208.—Plan of Motor Truck Bottom. Fig. 209.—Section through Bottom.

Fig. 208.—Plan of Motor Truck Bottom.
Fig. 209.—Section through Bottom.

Cut an opening through the cigar-box large enough for the two tumblers to set in. Then cut a strip of tin about 1 inch wide and 8 inches long, and bend it into a U-shaped hanger, to support the tumbler bottoms. Slip the hanger ends under strips A, bend them against the sides of the box, and fasten with tacks (Figs. 208 and 209).

Figure 200 shows how the battery cells are connected. A small switch can be fastened to the side of the truck to shut off and turn on the current, but, instead, you can simply withdraw one pair of elements from its tumbler to