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Page:Home-Made Toys for Girls and Boys (Hall).djvu/173

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magazines and newspapers. The pictures should be colored with crayons or water-colors, to make them as nearly like their right colors as possible.

After cutting out the pictures, paste them upon cardboard, mount the pieces of cardboard upon blocks of wood, as shown at B and C (Figs. 214 and 215), and hinge the blocks to the target supports with cloth strips. B shows the method of hinging the targets to strip A, and to the lower side of the box, and C shows the method of hinging the targets to the ends of the box. The former targets fall backwards when struck; the latter targets swing sideways when struck. Figure 216 shows

Fig. 216.—The Card-Shooting Pistol.
Fig. 216.—The Card-Shooting Pistol.

Fig. 216.—The Card-Shooting Pistol.

The Card-Shooting Pistol, and Figs. 217, 218, and 219 show the details for making it. Cut block A about 8 inches long, and block B about 3 inches long. Nail A to B as shown. Then take two rubber-bands, loop them together end to end, as shown in Fig. 218, and fasten one end of the looped bands to the end of block A by means of a nail driven into the block and bent over as shown in Fig. 217. Cut a piece of cardboard about 1 inch square, notch the center of two opposite edges (Fig. 219), and fit