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Page:Home-Made Toys for Girls and Boys (Hall).djvu/223

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Purchase a five or ten cent mirror and fasten it to the front of the bed, after which cut two wooden feet similar to Fig. 281 and glue the pegs on the ends of these in gimlet holes made above the mirror. Finish the wood the same as described for the other cigar-box furniture.

The Dresser shown in Fig. 282 is made out of a box the same size as the larger one used for the folding-bed.

Fig. 282.—Dresser Completed.
Fig. 282.—Dresser Completed.

Fig. 282.—Dresser Completed.

Fig. 283.—A Doll's Dresser.
Fig. 283.—A Doll's Dresser.

Fig. 283.—A Doll's Dresser.

Saw the sides of the box in half, crosswise, and remove the upper half and the end piece. Then nail the end across the tops of the remaining halves of the sides. When this has been done, divide up the lower portion of the box into compartments as shown in the drawing (Fig. 283). This