mouth opening and closing, giant size. The ease with which slides are obtained makes this a desirable lantern to own.
Fig. 341.—Plan of Reflectoscope.
The Material. You must get a box about 10 by 10 by 20 inches in size for the case of the reflectoscope, two oil-lamps, or two 16 or 32 candle-power electric lamps with the parts necessary for connecting them to the electric lighting circuit, three 1-lb. baking-powder cans and two tomato cans, two pieces of tin about 6 by 10 inches in size, and a lens from a camera, field glass, opera glass, magic-lantern or bicycle-lamp.
The bottom of the box will be the front of the reflectoscope.
Fig. 342.—Cross-section of Reflectoscope.
Cut the Lens Opening through this, at the center of its length, and a trifle above the center of its width. Make the hole a trifle larger than the lens.