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Page:Home-Made Toys for Girls and Boys (Hall).djvu/91

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Figure 106 shows how the box is converted into the car. Screw two screw-eyes into each side of the box, one above the other, as shown at G, for the elevator guides to run through, screw another into the exact center of the top (H) to tie the hoisting cable to, and screw another into the exact center of the bottom to tie the lowering cable to. Nail a narrow strip across the open front of the car, at the bottom, to tie the lowering cable to. Nail a narrow strip across the open front of the car, at the bottom, to keep things from falling out.

Get heavy wrapping-twine or stovepipe wire for

Fig. 106.—Elevator Car.
Fig. 106.—Elevator Car.

Fig. 106.—Elevator Car.

The Guides. Attach these guides to screw-eyes D in strip B, first, drop them through screw-eyes G in the sides of the car, and then fasten to screw- eyes D in strip A.

The Counter-balance is a large can filled with earth, sand, or small stones. Its weight must be equal to about three times that of the empty car. Fasten the lifting cable through holes punched in opposite sides of the can (Fig. 107).

Use a strong wrapping-twine for

Fig. 107.—Counter-balance.
Fig. 107.—Counter-balance.

Fig. 107.—Counter-balance.

The Lifting Cable. After tying this to the counter-balance, run it over pulley F, then over pulley E, and tie to screw-eye H in the top of the car. The cable must be of the right length so when the counter-balance has dropped to the ground the car