Page:Hong Kong Armorial Bearings Royal Warrant.pdf/3

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The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 7, 1959.

the same as in the painting hereunto annexed more plainly depicted to be borne for Our said Colony of Hong Kong on Seals, Shields, Banners, Flags or otherwise according to the Laws of Arms.

Our Will and Pleasure therefore is that you the said Bernard Marmaduke, Duke of Norfolk to whom the cognizance of matters of this nature doth properly belong do require and command that this Our Concession and Declaration be recorded in Our College of Arms to the end that Our Officers of Arms and all other Public Functionaries whom it may concern may take full notice and have knowledge thereof in their several and respective Departments. And for so doing this shall be your Warrant

Given at Our Court at Buckingham Palace this twenty first day of January 1959, in the Seventh year of Our Reign.

By Her Majesty’s Command

Alan Lennox Boyd