Page:Hopkinson Smith--In Dickens's London.djvu/46

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firmly on a purple cauliflower in the Kidderminster carpet, 'and what's that to me, Sir?'

"'I—I—have no doubt, Mrs. Raddle,' said Bob Sawyer, blinking this last question, 'that before the middle of next week we shall be able to set ourselves quite square, and go on on a better system, afterwards.'

"This was all Mrs. Raddle wanted. …

"'Do you suppose, Mr. Sawyer,' said Mrs. Raddle, elevating her voice for the information of the neighbours, 'do you suppose that I'm a-going day after day to let a feller occupy my lodgings as never thinks of paying his rent, nor even the very money laid out for the fresh butter and lump sugar that's bought for his breakfast, and the very milk that's took in, at the street door? … Do you ——'

"'My good soul,' interposed Mr. Benjamin Allen, soothingly.

"'Have the goodness to keep your observashuns to yourself, Sir, I beg,' said Mrs. Raddle, suddenly arresting the rapid torrent of her speech, and addressing the third party with impressive slowness and solemnity. 'I am not aweer, Sir, that you have any right to address your conversation to me. I don't think I let these apartments to you, Sir.'

"'No, you certainly did not?' said Mr. Benjamin Allen.

"'Very good, Sir,' responded Mrs. Raddle, with lofty politeness. 'Then p'raps, Sir, you'll confine yourself to breaking the arms and legs of the poor people in the hospitals,' …

"'But you are such an unreasonable woman,' remonstrated Mr. Benjamin Allen.

"'I beg your parding, young man,' said Mrs. Raddle, in