Page:Hopkinson Smith--Tom Grogan.djvu/255

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is known everywhere as Tom Grogan. She has never had any other name—in her business.”

“Who else objects to this award?” said the judge calmly.

Rowan sprang to his feet. The judge looked at him.

“Please sit down, Justice Rowan. I said 'who else.' I have heard you.” He knew Rowan.

Dempsey jumped from his chair.

“I'm opposed to it, yer Honor, an' so is all me fri'nds here. This woman has been invited into the Union, and treats us as if we was dogs. She”—

“Are you a bidder for this work?” asked the judge.

“No, sir; but the Union has rights, and”—

“Please take your seat; only bidders can be heard now.”

“But who's to stand up for the rights of the laborin' man if”—

“You can, if you choose; but not here. This is a question of evidence.”

“Who's Bowker anyhow?” said Dempsey behind his hand to Quigg. “Ridin' 'round in his carriage and chokin' off free speech?”