Page:Hornung - Irralies Bushranger.djvu/173

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P. S.

member; but I quite understood when he told me what was the general attitude toward young fellows from home, or 'new chums,' as they call them in the bush. They are always ready to make fools of them, as Greville found out on his way up-country; and he felt his life wouldn't be worth living there if he arrived upon the scene with such an ignominious tale. So he kept it to himself. And the very next day after my arrival, Irralie took me out in a buggy and showed me just where everything happened.

"She showed me the clump of trees and the exact spot where she and Greville first met, and the gate where she escaped from the bushranger, and the place in the fence where the wretched man recaptured her. On the farther side of that same paddock (as they call it) is the Seven-mile hut where the tables were eventually turned. But we didn't go quite as far on that occasion; and when we got back, Irralie showed me a most impressive thing—a clearing in a pine plantation, and the grave of a poor young