The Return Match
night! Well, it isn't that, Bunny; so get into that chair, and take one of these Sullivans and sit tight."
He held the match to my cigarette; he brought me a whisky and soda. Then he went out into the lobby, and, just as I was beginning to feel happy, I heard a bolt shot home. It cost me an effort to remain in that chair; next moment he was straddling another and gloating over my discomfiture across his folded arms.
"You remember Milchester, Bunny, old boy?"
His tone was as bland as mine was grim when I answered that I did.
"We had a little match there that wasn't down on the card. Gentlemen and Players, if you recollect?"
"I don't forget it."
"Seeing that you never got an innings, so to speak, I thought you might. Well, the Gentlemen scored pretty freely, but the Players were all caught."
"Poor devils!"
"Don't be too sure. You remember the fellow we saw in the inn? The florid, over-