promptly at the signal, you will get him "light in hand" before giving it; then make him start without thrusting out his nose, and keep him light by the means already detailed in the lesson on the trot. Next you will bring his haunches forward under him, which is the great point, and increase the brilliancy of his action by stimulating him with heel and whip, while at each step you restrain him by a gentle pull, so that he will not spring forward so far as he intended. Persevere until he will canter as slowly as he would walk. Your best guide will be to observe the action of some well- trained and well-ridden horse, and to endeavor to obtain the same in yours.
To change the leading foot in cantering is, however, a more difficult matter, and we will postpone the consideration of it until his education is a little farther advanced. In the mean time you will avoid turning a sharp corner at a canter.
The hand-gallop is simply a moderate gallop in which the ear observes three beats,

as in the canter, but swifter; while in the extended gallop it hears but two,

though given with a sort of rattle, which shows that