Page. | |
Houses of the Kutchin | 109 |
Makah Indians | 112 |
Mandans and Minnetarees | 125 |
Maricopas and Mohaves | 130 |
Nyack Indians | 118 |
Pueblo Taos | 182 |
Uxmal | 256 |
Village Indians | 104, 132 |
Virginia Indians | 115 |
ruins of, in Yucatan and Central America | 251 |
safe against Indian assault | 213 |
Howitt, A. W., on Australian customs | 70 |
I. | |
Idols at Copan | 257 |
Indian society unlike European | 225 |
Indians, house life of the | 199 |
of Mexico and Central America, communal dwellings of the | 75 |
tenure of lands | 84 |
New Mexico, communal dwellings of the land customs of the | 74 |
Northwest coast, communal dwellings of the | 70 |
Peru, communism of the | 77 |
Southern, communal dwellings of the | 68 |
eating customs of the | 100 |
Inheritance, customs of | 94 |
Iroquois, communal dwellings of the | 64 |
communion among | 65 |
confederacy | 23 |
cohesive principles of | 33 |
democratic | 40 |
founded on kinship | 33 |
general features of the | 28 |
origin of the | 27 |
seat of the central tribes | 35 |
Council, annual meeting of the | 35 |
decisions of the | 37 |
objects of the | 35 |
eating customs of the | 99, 102, 101 |
gens | 6 |
rights, privileges, and obligations | 7 |
gentes, number of the | 11 |
list of the | 7 |
hospitality of the | 45 |
houses of the, described | 120 |
lands of the | 80 |
Long-House | 31, 34, 120 |
migration of the | 25 |
mother rights | 66 |
number of, in existence | 26 |
number of the | 26 |
phratries | 19 |
phratry, functions and uses | 11 |
objects of the | 11 |
sachemships of the | 29 |
table of the | 30 |
sachems, names bestowed upon | 32 |
tribal epithets | 36 |
government | 32 |
war chiefs | 38 |
Ives, J. C, cited | 56, 141, 144 |
J. | |
Jackson, W. H | 155, 162, 171 |
cited | 158,164, 171 |
Jaramillo, Juan, cited | 135, 169, 205 |
Joliet, L | 53 |
Jones, S., cited | 109 |
Joso, J | 152 |
Jus gentilicium | 7 |
K. | |
Kern | 161 |
Kinship, rights and duties of, among the Aztecs | 250 |
rights, duties, and obligations of | 250 |
Kin the basis of gentes | 3 |
Kootenays | 69 |
Kutchin, houses of the | 109 |
L. | |
Lauds, division of | 89 |
of the Iroquois | 80 |
ownership of, in common | 79, 85 |
severally | 81 |
of Village Indians, rights in | 149 |
tenure of, among ancient Mexicans | 84 |
Languages, stock, number of | 20 |
great number of, among American aborigines | 20 |
verbal, incapable of permanence | 19 |
Lapham, J. A | 203 |
Las Casas, B. de, cited | 253 |
Latin and Sabine gentes, coalescence of | 34 |
Lewis and Clarke, cited | 50, 51, 52, 53, 70, 110, 111 |
Lintels of Pueblos of Mexico | 181 |
wood and stone | 273 |
Lolsel | 106 |
Long-House of the Iroquois described | 120 |
Onondaga described | 123 |
symbol of the Iroquois Confederacy | 34 |
M. | |
Maine | 122 |
Maize indigenous to America | 193 |
Makah Indians, houses of the | 112 |
Mandan drying scaffolds | 128 |
houses, interior of the | 27 |
ladders | 192 |
Mandans, communal dwellings of the | 72 |
eating customs of the | 100 |
hospitality of the | 50 |
houses of the | 125, 210 |
Maicos, Friar | 170 |
Male Labor, first appearance of | 128 |
Maricopas, houses of the | 130 |
Marquette, J., cited | 53, 54 |
Marsh, O. C | 202 |
Maximilian, Prince | 126 |
Mayas, communism in living | 264 |
of the | 75 |
cremation among | 220 |
gentes of the | 8 |
hospitality of the | 59 |
of Yucatan | 220 |
Meals, customs relating to | 99 |
separation of the sexes at | 102 |
Mexican houses, size of the | 232 |
usually two stories high | 229 |
land ownership, conclusions concerning | 97 |
Mexicans, ancient inheritance among | 95 |