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How Women can help in Political Work

There is no reason why a woman possess­ing the necessary knowledge of election law should not be appointed agent—and doubtless such appointments will be made in the future. For some years past it has been quite usual for a woman to act as the paid sub-agent in charge of a polling district. I have on several occasions occupied such a position, and have also worked under a woman sub­-agent.

The Constituency.—Constituencies vary as much as agents, and they re­quire as much tact and common sense in their treatment. A manufacturing borough, full of keen-witted Radical working men, wants different treat­ment from that which is necessary for a cathedral town containing deans, canons, and retired military men, mostly of a Conservative turn of mind. Again, special work is wanted in a large rural constituency, where the villages are small and scattered, and the villagers slow-witted and difficult to