Page:How Women Can Help In Political Work.pdf/7

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How Women can help in Political Work

privilege of voting, even though she may not wish to take any active part in the work of electioneering.

The idea that because a woman takes an interest in the government of her country she becomes unsexed and un­womanly is quite old-fashioned, and only those of a past generation believe that an intelligent interest in Recon­struction, Housing, or Licensing Re­form takes the curl out of your hair or dims your delight in a new Paris hat.

It is not necessary for every woman to take an absorbing interest in politics, any more than it is necessary for every man to stand for Parliament; all, how­ever, should know what is going on, and how and by whom the country is being governed.

A good politician (whether male or female) is, like a good poet, born, not made; but there are one or two hints which may be useful to those who wish actively to help one side or the other, and it is the object of the present little