5. On the other hand Mr. E. might take the fifth rôle as a substitute, but he is dead certain to return it angrily because the dramatist has not chosen the fourth rôle for him, which is his own line.
6. Mr. H. must take care of himself because he has a cold owing to a conflict with the dramatic director.
7. Mr. K. cannot play the rôle No. 7 because there is no one else suitable for rôle No. 5. Although it is not his line, he says that he “will manage it all right.”
8. The eighth rôle, that of a telegraph messenger, will be assigned, by special request, to the player chosen by the dramatist himself.
Thus it comes to pass that the whole affair turns out quite differently from what the inexperienced dramatist imagined. Not only that, but a general bitterness is prevalent among the players, who cannot forgive the dramatist for not having assigned the rôles direct to them. From the moment that the parts have been handed out, two quite