created light first, then Man, and then, the theatre. The dress rehearsal is a rehearsal on the theme: “Let there be light”; only things do not proceed so smoothly at a dress rehearsal as they did in the times of Genesis.
“Mr. Producer!” cries the hero at last. He has been standing on the stage all this time. “It’s one o’clock already. Are we going to rehearse or not?”
“I’ve been waiting for you to go on,” croaks the producer angrily. He has already screamed himself hoarse.
“Clara! Something unexpected has happened to me!”—and the rehearsal begins again.
But the producer bursts out with: “That’s all wrong. Reduce the third switch by fully half.”
“What has happened to you?”
“More . . . still more subdued . . . enough . . . come along now, what’s the matter?”
“Mr. Producer!” cries the electrician,