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How the American Jobs Plan Will Create Jobs in Rural America

Today, despite the fact that rural and Tribal communities across the country are asset-rich, more than 8 in 10 persistent poverty counties fall outside of a metropolitan area. President Biden’s American Jobs Plan directly invests in rural and Tribal communities, including by providing 100% broadband coverage, rebuilding crumbling infrastructure like roads and water systems, and positioning the U.S. agricultural sector to lead the shift to net-zero emissions while providing new economic opportunities for farmers.

President Biden is proposing to transform the way the federal government partners with rural and Tribal communities to create jobs and spur inclusive economic growth. Rural communities often don’t have the same budget as big cities to hire staff needed to navigate and access federal programs. On top of that, they have to navigate a myriad of programs all with different purposes and requirements.

As part of his plan to ensure that all communities recover—regardless of geography—President Biden is proposing $5 billion for a new Rural Partnership Program to help rural regions, including Tribal Nations, build on their unique assets and realize their vision for inclusive community and economic development. This program will empower rural regions by supporting locally-led planning and capacity building efforts, and providing flexible funding to meet critical needs.

Other investments in the American Jobs Plan to strengthen and create jobs in rural communities include:

Broadband. The President’s plan to close the digital divide invests up to $100 billion in broadband infrastructure, including funding to provide 100% broadband coverage in rural America and make it affordable for all Americans. These funds will prioritize broadband networks owned, operated by, or affiliated with local governments, non-profits, and rural cooperatives while creating good-paying jobs in local communities.

Position the U.S. Agricultural Sector to Lead the Shift to Net-Zero. The President’s plan includes a $1 billion investment for agricultural resources management and climate-smart technologies that will open new market opportunities for farmers.

Water Infrastructure. The American Jobs Plan invests in programs for small and rural water systems, including more than $10 billion for grants and loans for rural or tribal communities, including disadvantaged communities.

Rural Housing. The President’s plan invests $2 billion in the USDA Rural Development housing programs to assist low-income rural borrowers and renters secure safe, decent homes.

Fixing Rural Bridges. As part of a historic investment to repair America’s crumbling infrastructure, the President’s plan focuses $20 billion over five years exclusively on the smaller,