Page:How to Get Strong (1899).pdf/223

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ing off downward from the back of the neck to the shoulders; and a great shoulder-broadener is even five minutes a day, with your hands as on a cross, but just as far apart—to the last sixty-fourth of an inch even—as you can possibly get them.


Starting with the dumb-bells down at the sides, as before, raise them slowly and steadily in front until they nearly touch the shoulder,—technically, "curl" them—holding the neck well back; and so the chest expanded to its utmost. Now lower the bells slowly to the sides again; and repeat; and so continue. Take not over six breaths a minute. In a very few minutes; often less than three; you will want to stop. The biceps muscles, or those forming the front of the upper arms, are getting the work this time; and by applying to that of one arm in action the hand of the other, it is at once found that this muscle is growing quite hard.

If no dumb-bell or other convenient weight is at hand; place one hand in the other, and bear down hard with the upper hand, holding the neck firmly back. Lift away with the lower hand; and, when it reaches the shoulder, lower it slowly to the side; and then raise again; and so continue. This will be found a good thing to know when a person is travelling; or away from home; and cannot readily get at his exerciser or dumb-bells, or such other apparatus as he has in his own room.

Now stand erect in front of and facing the exerciser; and at about arm's-length from it; draw one handle horizontally in until it is close to the shoulder; let that