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dinary expiration, and only 20 to 30 inches of what Professor Huxley calls 'tidal air' passes in and out. But this tidal air can be largely increased in amount by the habit of breathing deeply and slowly, whereby an additional supply of oxygen is supplied to the lungs, which is a thousand times better for the health than quinine, iron-pills, or any other tonic. There are few persons whose health and personal appearance would not be improved costly if they would take several meals of fresh air consisting of 20 to 50 deep inspirations in a park, or some other place, where the air is pure and bracing. Slowly inhale as much as you can get into the lungs without discomfort (avoiding a strain), and then exhale again just as slowly. After a while the habit will be formed of constantly breathing more deeply than formerly, both awake and asleep; thus bringing into regular use a larger part of the lungs' surface. It is the slight sense of fatigue at first accompanying deep breathing which prevents most people from enjoying its benefits; but when once this natural indolence is overcome, the reward of deep breathing is analogous to the delicious exhilaration which follows a brisk walk or a cold bath. It is important to note that all breathing, whether deep or ordinary, should be done through the nose, as thus the air is warmed before it reaches the delicate lungs, and the mucous membrane remains moist, thus preventing those disagreeable enemies of refreshing sleep—a dry mouth and snoring. Habitual deep breathing adds to Personal Beauty, not only by exercising the muscles of the chest, which thus becomes more arched and prominent relatively to the abdomen, but also by throwing back the neck and head, and compelling the whole body to assume a straight attitude. 'We are all taught as children,' says Professor Kollman, 'to hold ourselves straight; but rarely is the information added that the best way to secure an erect, manly bearing and a dignified gait, is by cultivating the habit of deep breathing.' It is worthy of notice that forcible breathing, such as results from a correct bearing; from prolonged sojourn and exercise in the open air, in hunting, gymnastic exercises, riding, etc., not only increases the chest for the moment, but permanently."—Romantic Love and Personal Beauty, p. 397.

And ministers, lawyers, and other public speakers will care to read the following from Dr. Beard's Sexual Neurasthenia, p. 38: