Page:How to Get Strong (1899).pdf/263

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whenever she stands or walks she will at all times be upright, that is with neck held well back and shoulders low, she will shortly find that she is getting to be far straighter than she was; and, if she has a larger and finer chest than formerly, it will be nothing strange, for she has simply been using one of the means to get it. Of course if she keeps it confined in any way it cannot very easily grow larger. If a still greater variety of daily work is desired, she can select it from Chapter X.; the exercises on the exerciser being especially desirable.


And what daily work shall the business man take? His aim is not to lay on muscle, not to become equal to this or that athletic feat; but simply to so exercise as to keep his entire physical and mental machinery in good working order; and himself equal to all demands likely to be made on him.

First he, like the young man or the woman, should make sure of the ten or fifteen minutes' work before breakfast. Not through the long day again will he be likely to have another good opportunity for physical exercise, at least until evening, and then he will plead that he is too tired. But in the early morning, fresh and rested, and with a few minutes at his disposal, he can, as Bryant did, without serious or violent effort, work himself great benefit; the good effect of which will stay by him all the day. If he has in his room an exerciser he will be better off than Bryant was, in that he can have a far wider range of exercise, and that already at hand.

Let him first devote two or three minutes to the striking-bag. One 20 inches square, made of drilling, full of