sight while she is working. The passage which leads from the hive to the opening in the window has a glass top, so the actions of the bees as they enter the hive may be watched. A hood of thick black cloth is pulled down over the hive when the observations are finished. Similar observation hives may be purchased of dealers in apiarists' supplies. Such an observation-hive would be of great value to the enterprising bee-keeper, as it would be the means of helping him to understand conditions which were puzzling, and thus aid him in dealing with crises that are sure to occur. The advantage of this hive over any other is that frames from any hive may be kept under closest observation. But if the hive were a means of interest merely, it would still be worth while, for the bee-keeper cannot know too much about the ways of bees, supposing all he knows is true.
Have the smoker ready to give forth a good volume of smoke.
Use the smoker to scare the bees rather than to punish them.
Do not stand in front of the hive lest the bees passing out and in take umbrage.
Be careful not to drop any implements with which you are working; take hold of all things firmly.
Move steadily, and not nervously.
Do not run if frightened, for the bees understand what running away means as well as you do.