Bishop occupies KKt5, and the White Queen occupies KKt8, by removing the Bishop the file is opened to the Queen and the adverse King is attacked. Moving the Bishop is said to "discover check."
Double Check. The simultaneous attack, by two Pieces, upon the King.
Double Pawn. Two Pawns on the same file.
End Game. The stage at which the forces of both sides have become so reduced that theoretical analysis is again possible. A complete and perfect game of Chess is divided into three parts:
(a) The Opening.
(b) The Middle Game.
(c) The End Game.
Each of these will be discussed at length in later chapters.
En Passant. Taken in passing. If a Pawn, in its first move, passes an adverse Pawn the latter, in its next move only, may capture it en passant as if it had moved only one square. Thus if there is