Page:How to Play Chess (Rogers).djvu/57

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other. They are numbered from one (1) to eight (8), each player counting from his own side of the board. (See File).

Sacrifice. The voluntary loss of a Piece or Pawn in order to obtain a later and more decisive advantage.

Sans Voir. See Blindfold Chess.

Smothered Mate. A checkmate sometimes given by the Knight when the adverse King is hemmed in, or smothered, by his own forces.

Stalemate. A position in which a player cannot make any legal move, in consequence of which the game is considered drawn. For example: Suppose Black still has a King and a Rook on the board, and White has a King and a Queen. Black's King stands on QR and his Rook on QB2; while White's King is on QB3 and his Queen on QB4. It is White's move, but if he takes his Queen from in front of his King, he exposes it to check from the adversary's Rook. If he moves the King, then his Queen will be captured and the game will have to be drawn,