Page:How to Play Chess (Rogers).djvu/70

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adversary may adopt whichever interpretation he chooses. He must, however, before making his move, announce which interpretation he adopts, otherwise the move is to be interpreted according to the intention of the player making it.

XLIII. A player moving more than one man (except in castling) or moving a man when it is not his turn to play, shall forfeit the game.

XLIV. If either player permit a bystander to take part in a consultation game, the adversary may claim a win.

XLV. If any bystander interfere by sign, word, or gesture, in a consultation game, such game shall be null and void.

(The rules of ordinary play also apply to consultation play unless obviously inapplicable).

Rules for Play by Correspondence.

XLVI. An umpire or referee shall be appointed whose decision shall be final upon all questions submitted to him.

XLVII. A move is final and cannot be